Monday, September 12, 2011

My Skincare routine!

Hey beautiful so I thought it'd be fun to show you what products I use to my face, I am 15 and I've never really had a bad acne, I was blessed with a good skin thanks to my mother. However, I do have a dry skin because I don't drink water so often (boo to me!) and I replace water with soda and juices..  So, if you have a dry skin these are some of the products I'd recommend to you!

First thing I use is this Neutrogena pink grapefruit face wash, and I really like this, it makes my skin feel super smooth and fresh, I use this every morning and night. [Price - $6.00]
After I wash my face, I use this Nivea soft moisturizing cream I love it! It works amazing and lasts for a long time. I do change my moisturizer often because I like to try different stuff.[Price - $4.99] 
I don't really break out often, but sometimes if I feel like a zit is coming out or something I use this it works like magic, it is amazing! If you are looking for a treatment for your skin check it out. [Price - $6.00]

Neutrogena Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit Scrub 150ml 
Also, exfoliator is super important. I use this Neutrogena face scrub, I know it says 'daily' but I don't really use it everyday only twice a week. It has micro-clear beans, which might not be a good idea if you have a sensitive skin.
Of course, make up remover! I started using this about a month ago it works perfectly fine! it has 30 towels inside of it. I used the Nivea makeup remover and it works really bad.. I also like the MAC one, but I prefer this one so much better because this one is quite inexpensive comparing to the MAC one. [Price - $5.90] (Depending where you get it!)

That's it, dolls! I hope you enjoyed this post, leave a comment down below about what you like to use :) 


Welcome To My World!

Hey, there!
Thanks for checking our my personal blog :) In this blog I will talk about.. basically... ANYTHING, fashion, beauty, music etc...
I will talk to you guys about everything I want to share with you!
So, I will try to post as often as I can..

I will see ya'll soon, hasta lavista ;)
